måndag 14 april 2014

Testar nyhetstjänst Utskick kl 08:48 måndagen den 14 april

Hej och välkommen till Oroande Utveckling. 

Jag har två bloggar, på denna uppdateras nu endast nyheter från en robot som finner nyheter om krisen i Ukraina och händelser i Ryssland förknippade med denna kris.

På den "riktiga" bloggen. http://oroande.wordpress.com finns dagliga nyhetssammanställningar sedan den 22 februari. 

Här provar jag nu att lägga in en automatisk nyhetssammanställning från http://overview.eu De har en tjänst som jag nu provar och trimmar in sökorden för. Kanske skall de två olika bloggarna komplettera varandra, eller ersätta varandra framöver. Kom gärna med kommentarer. Jag behöver höra din åsikt.

Nyheterna nedan är utspottade ur sökroboten kl 08:48 den 14 april och jag har inte modererat dem. Det är upp till 100 eller 50 artiklar i 4 olika ämnen. Det faktiska antalet är antalet artiklar sedan senaste nyhetsbrevet jag fick kl 6 måndag. Du finner det inlägget under detta inlägg.


100 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet

Protest Draws Thousands In Moscow

At least 5,000 people have turned out in Moscow for a rally to denounce a government crackdown on independent media and Russian state television's news coverage of the crisis in neighboring Ukraine.
Idag 08:44 Nyhetsmedier Radio Liberty

Asian Market Update: Stocks Fall As Emergency Session Of UN Security Council Fails To Resolve ...

Spread of violence to more towns in east Ukraine, including reports of a skirmish between local law enforcement and pro-Russian separatist forces that led to 1 death and 9 wounded in Slavyansk, has fu
Idag 08:44 Nyhetsmedier Action Forex, Forecasts and Analysis

Ukraine sends troops east

DONETSK, Ukraine - Turning to force to try to restore its authority in the vital indu ...
Idag 08:44 Nyhetsmedier Albuquerque Journal

Ukraine deadline for pro-Russia forces to retreat passes without any signs of movement in Sloviansk

Idag 08:44 Nyhetsmedier Cbs News, Breaking

UN meets over Ukraine ahead of deadline

The standoff with Russian troops at the border has raised fears of a military confrontation with Moscow.
Idag 08:32 Nyhetsmedier Eyewitness News

Tidsfrist i Ukraina har löpt ut

STOCKHOLM. Vid åtta svensk tid löpte den tidsfrist ut som Ukraina givit proryska ockupanter i landets östra delar. Nattens möte i FN:s säkerhetsråd gav ingen lösning - bara nytt ordkrig. Ukrain
Idag 08:21 Nyhetsmedier Laholms Tidning, Laholm

Ukraine crisis: deadline to withdraw from eastern cities passes

Idag 08:13 Nyhetsmedier The Guardian

The Rundown -- April 14

RFE/RL in the Media# Read Fred Petrossian in the "Washington Post" on the decline of Iran's blogosphere# NPR cites RFE/RL on Ukraine crisis# Al Arabiya uses RFE/RL photo of controversial Iranian d
Idag 08:08 Nyhetsmedier Radio Liberty

Nu måste verkstaden komma igång

KRÖNIKA Annacarin Leufstedt Om vi gör något de närmaste tio femton åren, så kanske. Förutsatt att vi börjar omedelbart. Det kommer att kosta, men det blir inte billigare om vi väntar. Vi mås
Idag 07:57 Nyhetsmedier Blekinge Läns Tidning

Ukraina: Tidsfrist för separatister löper ut klockan 08.00 (Forts)

2014-04-14 07:55 (Lägger till ytterligare information och ändrar tiden för tidsfrist efter ändrade uppgifter. (SIX) Den tidsfrist som Ukrainas regering satt upp för de proryska separatister som
Idag 07:55 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnyheter

Tidsfrist i Ukraina på väg löpa ut

Med endast ett par timmar kvar till Ukrainas tidsfrist till de proryska aktivisterna löpte ut möttes parterna i FN:s säkerhetsråd. Men i stället för att komma närmare en lösning utbröt ett ny
Idag 07:55 Nyhetsmedier Norrköpings Tidningar, Inrikes & Utrikes
UNITED NATIONS - The U.N. Security Council met late Sunday in emergency session as violence escalated in eastern Ukraine, hours before a Monday morning deadline for pro-Russia protesters to lay down t
Idag 07:30 Nyhetsmedier The Wichita Eagle, Nation

Ukraina: Ekonomin något sämre än man trodde - Borg

2014-04-14 07:18 (SIX) Ukrainas ekonomi är i något sämre skick än befarat, säger Sveriges finansminister Anders Borg i samband med IMF:s och Världsbankens vårmöten i Washington där Ukraina-s
Idag 07:18 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnyheter

Letters to the editor on Crimea, Israeli sanctions, republic, loud commercials

When is it moral to secede? The issue of Crimea seceding from Ukraine reminds me of the old Jewish legal principle of "it depends on whose ox is being gored." In 1776, the 13 colonies "seceded" from E
Idag 07:13 Nyhetsmedier The Wichita Eagle, Opinions


Direkt-SE 2014-04-14 07:13 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Oljan och guldet handlas på högre nivåer i den inledande handeln på måndagen, medan basmetallerna har en mer blandad utveckling. Vid klockan 7.10 not
Idag 07:13 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter

Utrikesministrar i nytt krismöte

Ytterligare sanktioner mot Ryssland ska diskuteras när EU:s utrikesministrar i dag samlas för ännu ett krismöte kring händelseutvecklingen i Ukraina. Flera EU-länder har reagerat starkt på bild
Idag 07:11 Nyhetsmedier Ystads Allehanda

Ukraine crisis: Russia urges Kiev to avoid force in east

Russia has urged the authorities in Kiev not to use force against pro-Russian protesters in eastern Ukraine, the BBC reported.At a special UN Security Council session, Russia's ambassador Vitaliy Chur
Idag 06:59 Nyhetsmedier Panorama.am

Ukraina: Tidsfrist för separatister löper ut klockan 09.00

2014-04-14 06:54 (SIX) Den tidsfrist som Ukrainas regering satt upp för de proryska separatister som ockuperat statsbyggnader i östra Ukraina löper ut klockan 09.00 i dag, svensk tid. Om inte sepa
Idag 06:54 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnyheter

Ukraine Ready To Pay $386 Per Cubic Meter Of Russian Gas

Stepan Kubiv, the Governor of Ukraine's National Bank, says Kyiv is prepared to pay Russia about $386 per 1,000 cubic meters of gas, below the amount Moscow had demanded.
Idag 06:48 Nyhetsmedier Radio Liberty

Stockholmsbörsen: Terminer pekar på lägre kurser

Terminerna för de ledande Europabörserna pekar på nedgångar på 0,5-0,9  procent. Fredagen på USA-börserna präglades av bankrapporter från JP Morgan och Wells Fargo. Teknikaktier fortsatte sa
Idag 06:45 Fackpress Affärsvärlden, Nyhetsdygnet

Shades of the Cold War at NATO HQ

The Ukraine crisis is turning the clock back 30 years for NATO and Russia with the return to propaganda methods and suspicions last seen during the Cold War. "NATO and Moscow have suddenly remembered
Idag 06:44 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories

West Has Chance to Avert Civil War in Ukraine - Russian UN Envoy

Vitaly Churkin © REUTERS/ Shannon Stapleton 10:41 14/04/2014 Tags: civil war , protests , UN Security Council , Vitaly Churkin , Ukraine , Russia UNITED NATIONS, April 14 (RIA Novosti) - Russia calls
Idag 06:44 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti

Head of National Bank Says Ukraine to Pay Off Debt on Time

Stepan Kubiv the head of Ukraine's National Bank © REUTERS/ Alex Kuzmin 10:28 14/04/2014 Tags: debt , National Bank of Ukraine , Gazprom , Stepan Kubiv , Russia , Ukraine MOSCOW, April 14 (RIA Novost
Idag 06:38 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti

Accomplished TYPO3 to Joomla Migration with CMS2CMS

Ternopil, Ukraine -- ( SBWIRE ) -- 04/14/2014 -- Automated CMS and forum migration service, CMS2CMS, provides the migration to test site if you do not have target website installed yet. With this serv
Idag 06:30 Nyhetsmedier SBWire

Svag börsinledning

Redaktionen 2014-04-14 08:23 Morning Update USA-börserna avslutade förra veckan på minus, men i Asien handlas aktiemarknaderna åt olika håll under morgonen. Stockholmsbörsen öppnar under nollan
Idag 06:28 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Analyser

Gold rallies amid equity exodus, Ukraine risk Analyst: $1,350 could be the next goal for gold

LOS ANGELES (MarketWatch) - Gold prices rallied Monday, building on last week's gains amid investor skittishness toward equities in the face of mounting tensions in Ukraine. At last check, gold for Ju
Idag 06:27 Nyhetsmedier MarketWatch, Top Stories

Russia's UN Envoy Says Ukraine Crisis Talks Could Fail Over Southeast Crackdown

Russia's ambassador to United Nations Vitaly Churkin © REUTERS/ Allison Joyce 10:16 14/04/2014 Tags: protests , UN Security Council , Vitaly Churkin , Russia , Ukraine MOSCOW, April 14 (RIA Novosti)
Idag 06:26 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti

Ashton on the situation in Eastern Ukraine

Idag 06:24 Nyhetsmedier Neurope.eu, Agriculture News

Ukraine Tensions Rise as Russia Calls UN Meeting

Idag 06:23 Nyhetsmedier Bloomberg


Direkt-SE 2014-04-14 06:19 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) USA-räntorna handlas på något lägre nivåer i veckans inledning medan yenen stärkts och euron tappat mot dollarn. Asienbörserna är överlag ned, me
Idag 06:19 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter

Ukrainas tidsfrist löper ut

Den tidsfrist som Ukrainas regering satt upp för de proryska separatister som ockuperat statsbyggnader i östra Ukraina löper ut klockan 08.00 i dag, svensk tid. Om inte separatisterna ger upp komme
Idag 06:16 Aktiespararna
BEIJING -- Asian stock markets fell Monday following two days of U.S. declines and forecasts of lower American corporate profits. Oil rose above $104 per barrel amid renewed tensions between Ukraine a
Idag 06:11 Nyhetsmedier Miami Herald News, World

Tidsfrist i Ukraina på väg ta slut

Rysslands FN-ambassadör Vitalij Tjurkin, som kallat till mötet, anklagade Ukraina för att föra krig mot sitt eget folk. - Kiev måste sluta använda våld mot människorna i östra Ukraina och inl
Idag 06:08 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet, Senaste Nytt
Russia has urged the authorities in Kiev not to use force against pro-Russian protesters in eastern Ukraine. At a special UN Security Council session, Russia's ambassador called on Kiev to "start a ge
Idag 06:03 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, Europe

Tidsfristen i Ukraina löper ut

En amnesti har dock utlovats för dem som lägger ned sina vapen nu på morgonen.
Idag 06:02 Nyhetsmedier Corren - Världen

Armed pro-Russians storm police station

CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports as armed pro-Russians storm a local police station in the town of Slavyansk in Ukraine.
Idag 05:55 Nyhetsmedier CNN, Video

Experter ense - läget allvarligt

1. Hur farlig är situationen i Ukraina nu? Situationen är mycket farlig, anser de forskare HBL har talat med. Men åsikterna varierar när det gäller hur stor Rysslands roll har varit i veckoslutet
Idag 05:55 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet

Russia, West lock horns at UN over Ukraine

Slavyansk - The UN Security Council held emergency talks on Sunday after Ukraine declared a "full-scale" military operation against pro-Russia forces, amid deadly clashes in its restive east. Russia a
Idag 05:51 Nyhetsmedier News24 World


Direkt-SE 2014-04-14 05:48 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Osäkerheten i Ukraina är "skriven och koreograferad" av Ryssland. Det sade USA:s FN-ambassadör Samantha Power vid säkerhetsrådets extrainkallade möt
Idag 05:48 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter

BOJ Kuroda's meeting with PM Abe won't alter policy stance - sources

Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda speaks during a seminar in Tokyo March 20, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Yuya Shino Related Topics Business » G20 » Japan » TOKYO (Reuters) - Bank of Japan Governor H
Idag 05:45 Nyhetsmedier Reuters G20

Live: Tidsfristen i Ukraina löper ut Ukrainas regering har beslutat att sätta in armen mot proryska aktvister. Vi rapprterar direkt.

Idag 05:44 Nyhetsmedier GöteborgsPosten, Hela nyhetsdygnet

Just nu: Tidsfristen i Ukraina löper ut

Ukrainas regering har beslutat att sätta in armén mot de aktivister som ockuperar myndighetsbyggnader i flera städer. En amnesti har dock utlovats för dem som lägger ned sina vapen nu på morgone
Idag 05:41 Opinion Håkan Lindhs Blogg

Följ oroligheterna i Ukraina

Skriv ut Öka textstorlek Minska textstorlek Rätta artikeln Läsarreaktioner Tweet Tipsa via e-post Oroligheterna i Ukraina Mer om Ordkrig i säkerhetsrådet om Ukraina Frist till tidig måndag - sed
Idag 05:41 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Nyheter

Israeli gas holds promise of better ties with neighbours

MILAN/LONDON (Reuters) - Israel's drive to export its new-found natural gas could help to rebuild strained ties with old regional allies Egypt and Turkey, but could deprive Europe of a precious altern
Idag 05:39 Nyhetsmedier Reuters

Israeli gas holds promise of better ties with neighbors

MILAN/LONDON (Reuters) - Israel's drive to export its new-found natural gas could help to rebuild strained ties with old regional allies Egypt and Turkey, but could deprive Europe of a precious altern
Idag 05:35 Nyhetsmedier Baltimore Sun News, Nation & World

Råvaror: Oron lyfter guldet

Oljan och guldet handlas på högre nivåer i den inledande handeln på måndagen, medan basmetallerna har en mer blandad utveckling. Vid klockan 7.10 noteras priset på WTI-olja 0,48 dollar upp till
Idag 05:32 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri

Krismöte inom EU

Ytterligare sanktioner mot Ryssland ska diskuteras när EU:s utrikesministrar i dag samlas för ännu ett krismöte kring händelseutvecklingen i Ukraina. Flera EU-länder har reagerat starkt på bild
Idag 05:32 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri

Tiden rinner ockupanterna ur händerna

07:23 | måndag 14 April 2014 Sedan dagar tillbaka ockuperas myndighetsbyggnader i östra Ukraina av pro-ryska separatister, och under gårdagskvällen ställde regeringen ett ultimatum: utrym före k
Idag 05:23 Nyhetsmedier Allanyheter

BOJ Kuroda's meeting with PM Abe won't alter policy stance: sources

Kuroda has remained bullish about the outlook for economic recovery and an escape from deflation, but the meeting with Abe could revive expectations of additional stimulus. However, the sources said t
Idag 05:19 Nyhetsmedier Reuters, Business

Asian stocks slip on Wall Street gloom, Ukraine tensions

Idag 05:18 Nyhetsmedier NDTV

Forskare inte förvånad över resultat från säkerhetsrådmötet

Enligt Raik har risken för militärt våld i östra Ukraina ökat. Raik tror dock inte att Ukraina inleder en militär operation mot terrorism i dag på morgonen, vilket landet hotat göra. -->
Idag 05:17 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet

Så ser Rysslands militära optioner ut

Nu på morgonen går tidsfristen för de proryska separatisterna ut. Ukrainas president har lovat amnesti för separatister som ger upp före klockan åtta svenskt tid. Världen håller andan och oron
Idag 05:15 Nyhetsmedier E24, Senaste nytt

Crisis In Ukraine: Kiev to Send Troops to Quell Unrest

Government wants to quash pro-Russian insurgency, despite Kremlin warnings. By PETER LEONARD THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Published: Sunday, April 13, 2014 at 12:01 a.m. Last Modified: Monday, April 14, 2014
Idag 05:04 Nyhetsmedier Lakeland Ledger

German Left Party delegates vote for military deployment

Last Wednesday, five Left Party Bundestag (German parliament) deputies voted for the government's proposal to send a frigate and 300 Bundeswehr (German army) soldiers to the Mediterranean. In doing so
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site

UN Security Council holds emergency meeting over Ukraine

The UN Security Council held an emergency meeting Sunday night in New York, a few hours after it was announced that Russia had requested "urgent consultations." In calling the meeting, Russia pointed
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site

European Union: From economic community to alliance of warmongers

The European powers, led by Germany, are on a confrontation course with Russia. They are pursuing not only foreign, but also domestic political aims. The instigation of a crisis and confrontation with
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site

German television report indicates Ukrainian opposition responsible for lethal shootings

Seven weeks after the right-wing coup in Ukraine, evidence is mounting that the Western-backed opposition at the time was responsible for the lethal shootings in Independence Square on February 20. Th
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site

Donbas miners oppose pro-US regime's crackdown on east Ukraine protests

Miners in eastern Ukraine have joined popular opposition to the military crackdown launched by the unelected US-backed regime in Kiev. Reports of a growing politicization of Ukrainian workers shatter
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site

Overseas concerns weigh on Aust shares

The share market is lower as traders take a cautious approach ahead of the US corporate reporting season, and amid instability in Ukraine. America's biggest bank, JP Morgan, missed its profit estimate
Idag 04:58 Nyhetsmedier Sky News Australia, Business

BBC Sport (International version)

' + 'We\'re sorry but this article is not accessible from the UK as it is part of our ' + 'international service and is not funded by the license fee.' + ' '); $( ".story-body" ).show(); }); }); } } }
Idag 04:50 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, Latest

Säkerhetsrådet möttes: Väst och Ryssland oense om östra Ukraina

Rysslands FN-ambassadör, som kallat till mötet, anklagade Ukraina för att föra krig mot sitt eget folk. - Kiev måste sluta använda våld mot människorna i östra Ukraina och inleda en uppriktig
Idag 04:48 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet

"Inrikesministern är ingenting för oss"

- Vi är inte ryska medborgare! Vi är ukrainare. Här får du se mitt pass. Och hans. Och hennes. Titta nu! När HBL stiger av i vägspärren utanför staden Konstantinovka mellan Donetsk och Slovjan
Idag 04:48 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet
Your daily look at late-breaking news, upcoming events and the stories that will be talked about Monday: 1. SUB WILL BE USED IN SEARCH FOR JET Search crews will for the first time send an underwater v
Idag 04:45 Nyhetsmedier Associated Press, US

Tiden rinner ut för Ukraina

Med endast ett par timmar kvar till Ukrainas tidsfrist till de proryska aktivisterna löpte ut möttes parterna i FN:s säkerhetsråd. Men i stället för att komma närmare en lösning utbröt ett ny
Idag 04:36 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri

Räntor och valutor: Euron tappar

USA-räntorna handlas på något lägre nivåer i veckans inledning medan yenen stärkts och euron tappat mot dollarn. Asienbörserna är överlag ned, men Tokyo står på plus. Den tioåriga USA-stat
Idag 04:36 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri

PNoy meets top PNP officials ahead of Obama visit

MANILA - President Benigno Aquino III arrived at Camp Crame in Quezon City on Monday morning to meet with the top officials of the Philippine National Police (PNP). Aquino arrived at the PNP headquart
Idag 04:34 Nyhetsmedier ABS-CBN News
VALPARAISO, CHILE - A raging fire leaped from hilltop to hilltop in this historic Chilean port city and stubbornly burned out of control in places more than 24 hours later, killing 12 people and destr
Idag 04:31 Nyhetsmedier Japan Time

Asian stocks decline following 2 days of US declines, forecast of lower corporate profits

BEIJING, China - Asian stock markets fell Monday following two days of U.S. declines and forecasts of lower American corporate profits. Oil rose above $104 per barrel amid renewed tensions between Ukr
Idag 04:31 Nyhetsmedier Brandon Sun, Business News

Ukraine Orders Troops East

Pro-Russian activists and militants extended their grip across eastern Ukraine, prompting the government to mobilize the military as it struggled to prevent a replay of Russia's takeover of Crimea.
Idag 04:26 Nyhetsmedier Wall Street Journal, What's News Asia

More US sanctions if Russian actions in Ukraine continue

However, they will not necessarily target entire Russian business sectors such as mining, banking and energy, the sources said, adding that the situation was fluid.
Idag 04:24 Nyhetsmedier The Economics Times

U.N. Security Council meets over Ukraine hours before deadline

KIEV/UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - The United Nations Security Council held an emergency session on Sunday night to discuss the escalating crisis in Ukraine, just hours before a deadline by Kiev for pro-
Idag 04:23 Nyhetsmedier MSN News, World

Russia, West lock horns on Ukraine

Russia and the West have locked horns over the escalating crisis in Ukraine at UN Security Council emergency talks as deadly clashes flared between Ukrainian forces and pro-Kremlin militias. Russia pi
Idag 04:22 Nyhetsmedier Sky News Australia, Top Stories

Ukraine sends troops to restore authority in east

SLOVYANSK, Ukraine - The Ukrainian government for the first time sent in its security services to confront armed pro-Russian militants in the country's east on Sunday, defying warnings from Russia. Co
Idag 04:08 Nyhetsmedier Dallas Morning News

Special Forces, Right Sector Besiege Rebellious Slaviansk

RIA Novosti 19:15 13/04/2014 KIEV, April 13 (RIA Novosti) - Special forces loyal to government and armed men from the radical Right Sector movement launched an operation Sunday to suppress pro-federal
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Ukraine Takes Action In Slovyansk; West Condemns Russian Involvement

April 13, 2014 by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service Ukraine's interior minister says there were 'dead, wounded on both sides' in an 'antiterrorist' operation in the eastern city of Slovyansk. Arsen Avakov sa
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Interview: Ex-President Kuchma Says Only West Can Resolve Ukraine Crisis

April 13, 2014 Former Ukrainian President Leonid Kuchma believes that Western mediation is the only way out of Ukraine's current crisis. In an exclusive interview with Dmitry Volchek of RFE/RL's Russi
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Ban urges restraint as tensions mount in eastern Ukraine; Security Council to hold consultations

13 April 2014 - With tensions flaring in eastern Ukraine, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has appealed to all sides to work towards calming the situation, which has the "growing potential" to spark viol
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

US threatens Russia with more sanctions

Iran Press TV Sun Apr 13, 2014 4:15PM GMT Washington has threatened again to impose more sanctions against Russia if pro-Russia protests continue in Ukraine. US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power tol
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

CIA behind Ukraine crisis, ousted Yanukovych says

Iran Press TV Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:17PM GMT Ukrainian deposed President Viktor Yanukovych says the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) is provoking bloodshed in the country by sanctioning the use of w
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Kerry voices 'strong concerns' about fresh attacks in eastern Ukraine

People's Daily Online (Xinhua) 14:29, April 13, 2014 WASHINGTON, April 12 -- U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Saturday voiced 'strong concerns' about fresh attacks by armed militants in eastern U
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

UN Security Council to hold meeting on Ukraine

Iran Press TV Sun Apr 13, 2014 8:50PM GMT The United Nations Security Council will hold an emergency meeting on the crisis in Ukraine as protests continue in the Eastern European country. Joy Ogwu, th
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Counter-protest operations in eastern Ukraine directed by foreign secret service emissaries - Russian MP

13 April 2014, 16:46 -- Law enforcement operations against federalization supporters in eastern Ukraine are being directed by foreign secret service emissaries, but many law enforcers are refusing to
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Right Sector arrives in Slavyansk to suppress protests

13 April 2014, 14:25 -- Militants from the radical group Right Sector have come to the city of Slavyansk in eastern Ukraine to take part in a force operation against protesters who had occupied severa
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

NATO Secretary General concerned about escalation in eastern Ukraine

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 13 Apr. 2014 In-Depth Coverage I am extremely concerned about the further escalation of tension in Eastern Ukraine. We see a concerted campaign of violence by
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

De-escalation starts on the ground - Article by the NATO Secretary General, Anders Fogh Rasmussen

NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organisation 13 Apr. 2014 My first speech as NATO Secretary General in 2009 was called 'NATO and Russia: A New Beginning.' My aim was to develop a true strategic partnersh
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Ukraine: Lugansk police sides with federalization supporters - media

13 April 2014, 17:58 -- Police in the eastern Ukrainian city of Lugansk has sided with activists who rally in support of federalization of the country, Interfax reports with reference to Russia-24 TV
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

50 injured in clashes in Kharkov - Ukraine's Interior Ministry

13 April 2014, 17:18 -- At least 50 people were injured Sunday in clashes in east Ukraina's Kharkov between pro-federalization activists and forces loyal to the government, the local Interior Ministry
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Crisis in eastern Ukraine should be settled through diplomacy - OSCE chairman

13 April 2014, 18:50 -- Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Swiss Foreign Minister Didier Burkhalter says that the differences between the government and opposition in the eastern regions of Ukraine should b
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Ukraine: More than 1,000 people rally in support of country'ss federalization in Slavyansk

13 April 2014, 20:54 -- More than 1,000 people have arrived at a meeting in support of the federalization of Ukraine in the center of Slavyansk, a city in the country's Donetsk region, on Sunday, Apri
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Ukraine's acting president orders launch of 'full-scale anti-terrorist operation' in eastern Ukraine

13 April 2014, 20:10 -- Ukraine's acting President Alexander Turchinov says that he has ordered to launch a 'full-scale anti-terrorist operation' in eastern Ukraine. The country's armed forces will ta
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

In Eastern Ukraine, Pro-unity Activists Emerge from Shadows

by Henry Ridgwell April 13, 2014 Amid the pro-Russian uprisings in eastern Ukraine, there is a large body of activists who support Ukrainian unity and reject Russian intervention. Their activities hav
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

US Warns Russia Anew on Eastern Ukraine

by Michael Bowman April 13, 2014 In-Depth Coverage The United States says Russia appears to be employing the same tactics in eastern Ukraine that were used to seize and annex Crimea earlier this year.
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org


50 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet

Russian Fiction the Sequel: 10 More False Claims About Ukraine

In-Depth Coverage Fact Sheet Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC April 13, 2014 "No amount of propaganda can make right something that the world knows is wrong." - President Obama, March 26 Russ
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

UN Security Council Meeting on Ukraine Crisis

by VOA News April 13, 2014 The U.N. Security Council has called an urgent, previously unscheduled meeting Sunday night to discuss the growing tensions in Ukraine. Kyiv blames the escalation on armed p
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Evidence of Russian Support for Destabilization of Ukraine

Media Note Office of the Spokesperson Washington, DC April 13, 2014 In-Depth Coverage On April 12, armed pro-Russian militants seized government buildings in a coordinated and professional operation c
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Spark that could ignite this tinderbox: IAN BIRRELL on how Ukraine's 'anti-terrorist' operation could lead to a full-scale invasion from Russia

This is the long-dreaded moment. It is seven weeks since a strange struggle in the east of Europe began, with the silent invasion of Crimea by Russian special forces stripped of their insignia and sup
Idag 00:30 Nyhetsmedier Daily Mail


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Tiden rinner ockupanterna ur händerna

Sedan dagar tillbaka ockuperas myndighetsbyggnader i östra Ukraina av pro-ryska separatister, och under gårdagskvällen ställde regeringen ett ultimatum: utrym före klockan nio - annars sätter vi
Idag 05:15 Nyhetsmedier SVT, Utrikes

U.N. Security Council meets over Ukraine hours before deadline

Play Video The wounded take a beating in Kharkiv Reuters Videos  0:59 Play Video Armed pro-Russian activists in Slaviansk on standby Reuters Videos  0:34 Play Video Ukrainians pray for peace Reute
Idag 04:13 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, UK and Ireland Top Stories

Russia urges UNSC, OSCE to consider situation in Ukraine as soon as possible

13 April 2014, 21:38 -- Moscow is set to bring up crisis situation in the South-Eastern regions of Ukraine during emergency sessoins of the UN Security Council and OSCE. 'We demand that those appointe
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org

Ukraine 'teetering on brink' senior UN political official warns Security Council

13 April 2014 - In the wake of the violent clashes that have swept eastern Ukraine over the past 24 hours as pro- and anti-Government demonstrators have faced off in the region, a senior United Nation
Idag 04:04 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org
KIEV/SLAVIANSK, Ukraine (Reuters) - Ukraine has given pro-Russian separatists a Monday morning deadline to disarm or face a "full-scale anti-terrorist operation" by its armed forces, raising the risk
Idag 02:08 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo News - World News


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Clashes Erupt in Eastern Ukraine

A special-forces officer was killed and five others wounded in a gunbattle with pro-Russian forces occupying several towns in Eastern Ukraine.
Idag 04:02 Nyhetsmedier Wall Street Journal, About India

Western nations line up at U.N. to slam Russia's moves on Ukraine

UNITED NATIONS (Reuters) - Western nations on Sunday accused Russia of massing tens of thousands of well-equipped troops near the Ukrainian border in preparation for a Crimea-style invasion, while Rus
Idag 02:20 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo News - World News

UN Security Council Meets on Ukraine Crisis

UNITED NATIONS April 14, 2014 (AP) By MARIA SANMINIATELLI Associated Press The U.N. Security Council met late Sunday in emergency session as violence escalated in eastern Ukraine, hours before a Monda
Idag 00:35 Nyhetsmedier ABCNews