lördag 26 juli 2014

Kl 08:49 lördag 26 Juli Nyheter om Ryssland och Ukrainakrisen. Uppdateras kl 6, 9, 12 och 18 varje dag


100 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet
(ChinaPost.com.tw) - The European Union on Friday extended its Ukraine-related sanctions to target top Russian intelligence officials and leaders of the pro-Russia revolt in eastern Ukraine, official
Idag 08:14 Nyhetsmedier China Post

Aviation safety vital after fatal crashes

After major crashes in Mali, Taiwan & Ukraine, aviation safety & security has become imperative.
Idag 08:07 Nyhetsmedier Eyewitness News

FIFA rejects calls to strip Russia of the 2018 World Cup over Ukraine crisis

Amid mounting criticism of Russia over the MH17 plane tragedy and conflict with Ukraine, FIFA rejects calls for the country to be stripped of 2018 World Cup hosting rights and says a boycott is no sol
Idag 07:56 Nyhetsmedier Merco Press

Malaysia Airlines jet may have been mistakenly shot down by separatists in Ukraine

McClatchy Washington Bureau KIEV, Ukraine - A Malaysia Airlines passenger jet with 298 people on board crashed Thursday after apparently being struck by a missile over an area of eastern Ukraine where
Idag 07:40 Nyhetsmedier Waterbury Republican American

Charles Krauthammer: Obama's passivity stems from view of history

The president's demeanor is worrying a lot of people. From the immigration crisis on the Mexican border to the Islamic State rising in Mesopotamia, President Obama seems totally detached. Regarding Uk
Idag 07:08 Nyhetsmedier The Wichita Eagle, Opinions

EU sanctions Russian intelligence chiefs over Ukraine

The European Union announced Saturday it had broadened its sanctions against Russia over its role in conflict-torn Ukraine to include the heads of intelligence services. The director of the FSB securi
Idag 06:44 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories

Human remains still at MH17 crash site: Australia PM

More that a week after Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 came down in rebel-held eastern Ukraine human remains are still at the crash site, Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Saturday. The majorit
Idag 06:44 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories

EU's Russia sanctions extended

The EU has extended sanctions against senior Russian officials in the wake of the shooting down of the Air Malaysia flight last week. Two hundred and ninety-eight people died when the plane came down
Idag 06:38 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, UK and Ireland Top Stories

Breathe deeply, it is safe to go on a plane, travellers told

After three major air disasters in one week, with planes coming down in Ukraine, Taiwan and then Mali without a single survivor, passengers can be forgiven for feeling a little pang of panic boarding
Idag 06:35 Nyhetsmedier The Raw Story

EU to toughen Russia sanctions over Ukraine

The European Union is set to adopt much tougher economic sanctions against Russia for its role in the Ukraine crisis, officials said. After discussions on broadening the sanctions from the current mix
Idag 06:22 Nyhetsmedier Al Jazeera

U.S.: Russia is firing across border into Ukraine

Rather than scale back its military intervention in Ukraine after the Malaysia Airlines jet was shot down, Moscow is instead devoting even more firepower to the pro-Russian separatists' cause, in the
Idag 06:16 Nyhetsmedier Seattle Times

Godkänd rapportsäsong räcker inte för att lyfta börsen

Värmeböljan som legat tung över landet kan vara på väg bort. På börsen lutar det däremot mot att de ljumma vindarna kan ligga kvar ännu en tid efter en rapportflod som inneburit att tillräck
Idag 06:06 Aktiespararna

Ryssland stoppar mejeriprodukter från Ukraina

Den ryska livsmedelssäkerhetsmyndigheten säger att Ukrainas mejeribransch brister i kvalitetskontrollen och stänger gränsen för import från och med måndag. Annons Ryssland har tidigare stoppat
Idag 06:00 Fackpress ATL, Lantbrukets affärstidning

VM i hyckleri

Barnen i Gaza spelar inte fotboll, de har fullt sjå att försöka gömma sig för Israeliska granater. Det borde inga barn behöva göra. Kul rötmånadshistoria trodde man, men det visade sig vara e
Idag 05:57 Bloggar Lasses blogg

Ahmad Jauhari Yahya's challenge as Malaysia Airlines CEO

HE'S a 59-year old chief executive at the helm of a multi-billion dollar business who should be riding a career high. But instead, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya has been dealt two huge blows to his professional
Idag 05:51 Nyhetsmedier News.Com.Au, Companies

Investigators reach Mali plane crash site

Aviation experts, criminal investigators and soldiers have converged on an isolated patch of northern Mali to search for clues that might explain why an Air Algerie passenger jet fell from the sky i
Idag 05:50 Nyhetsmedier Al Jazeera

MH17: Tony Abbott says 'uncovered remains' at Malaysia Airlines crash site highlights need to secure area

Prime Minister Tony Abbott says the presence of "uncovered remains" at the site of the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash site highlights the urgent need for an international force to secure the area
Idag 05:23 Nyhetsmedier ABC Australia Australia

Ukraine Disaster in Search of an Investigation

Idag 05:08 Nyhetsmedier NDTV

EU moves to widen sanctions against Russia over Ukraine

The EU plans to increase sanctions against Russia because of its actions in Ukraine. Proposals include restricted access to EU capital markets and an embargo on future contracts for weapons and high-t
Idag 04:45 Nyhetsmedier Deutsche Welle, DW-World.de
BRUSSELS - The European Union reached outline agreement on Friday to impose the first economic sanctions on Russia over its behaviour in Ukraine but scaled back their scope to exclude technology for t
Idag 04:44 Nyhetsmedier Calgary Sun News World

Ukraine crisis: European Union hits Russian intelligence chiefs with sanctions

Idag 04:34 Nyhetsmedier FOX News

Lägret är slut för sista gången

"Vi älskar er" står det på en skylt som barnen tillverkat. En månad på läger i Broby går fort, för fort, tycker de flesta av Tjernobylbarnen . Årets läger, som är det tjugonde, har varit n
Idag 04:30 Nyhetsmedier Kristianstadsbladet

Why Putin Shot Down MH-17

It has also become clear that the person most responsible for the tragedy is Vladimir Putin.  None of this could have happened without not only his approval, but his active support.  Sophisticated m
Idag 04:26 Nyhetsmedier Forbes.com

Superskörd sänker vetepris

April varm, maj sval, juni våt är något att glädjas åt heter det i Bondepraktikan. Och visst ser han glad ut, spannmålsodlaren Christian Nyholm , då han blickar ut över sina idylliskt ljusgrö
Idag 04:19 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet

Rödvin och retorik

Den tropiskt varma kvällen skymmer, smuttar rödvin på terrassen, långt borta på andra sidan av Vanajavesi skymtar förbiglidande båtars lanternor. Atmosfär, perspektiv, fantasieggande detaljer.
Idag 04:19 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet

Russia escalates role in eastern Ukraine after plane crash

KIEV, Ukraine - Rather than backing down after last week's downing of a civilian passenger jet, Russia appears to be intervening more aggressively in the war in eastern Ukraine in what U.S. and Ukrain
Idag 03:52 Nyhetsmedier Dallas Morning News

EU utökar sanktioner mot Ryssland

EU utökade sent på fredagen sanktionerna mot Ryssland. Men de tuffa tag som EU hotat med har mildrats. Teknik för gassektorn undantas. Bland de nya namnen på sanktionslistan finns ryska spionchefe
Idag 01:23 Nyhetsmedier Expressen

Ryssland och N Europa

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50 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet
De aktuella nyheterna har redan levererats till dig..


50 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet

EU sanctions hit Russian intelligence officials

Baku -“ APA . Europe is coalescing behind a plan to impose wider economic sanctions on Russia as early as Tuesday, European Union officials said Friday. In the early hours of Saturday, the EU also a
Idag 06:32 Nyhetsmedier Apa.az

FSB-chef på EUs sanktionslista

06:06 lördag 26 Juli 2014 Kommentera EU har lagt chefer för den ryska säkerhetstjänsten FSB och det ryska säkerhetsrådet till sin sanktionslista.Bland annat FSB-chefen Alexander Bortnikov och ch
Idag 04:06 Nyhetsmedier Allanyheter