( ChinaPost.com.tw) - The United States and Europe strengthened sanctions on Moscow over Ukraine Wednesday, with President Barack Obama taking his first direct swipes in the finance, military and energ
Idag 08:41 Nyhetsmedier China Post
MOSCOW -- Russia's President Vladimir Putin has lamented the latest round of U.S. sanctions against his country. He says they are stalemating bilateral relations and hurting not only Russian but also
Idag 08:08 Nyhetsmedier Miami Herald News, World
ISRAEL & HAMAS FIVE-HOUR CEASEFIRE Israel and Hamas have agreed a five-hour humanitarian ceasefire after nine days of fighting. During the ceasefire, which was requested by the UN and other internatio
Idag 07:59 Nyhetsmedier First Post
Russia has failed to take steps to end the Ukraine conflict, President Barack Obama said Wednesday in announcing expanded sanctions targeting two banks, two energy companies, Ukraine separatists and d
Idag 07:24 Nyhetsmedier Panorama.am
2014-07-17 07:12 (SIX) USA:s president Barack Obama har meddelat en ny runda sanktioner mot Ryssland. Sanktionerna siktar in sig på flera av Rysslands största företag inom energi- och finanssektor
Idag 07:12 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnyheter
In-Depth Coverage By Jim Garamone DoD News, Defense Media Activity WASHINGTON, July 16, 2014 - U.S. defense officials are concerned about a buildup of Russian troops along that country's border with U
Idag 06:37 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org
In-Depth Coverage by Jeff Seldin July 16, 2014 The United States and NATO are growing increasingly concerned about Russia's military posture. The U.S. on Wednesday accused Russia of amassing thousands
Idag 06:37 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org
7/16/2014 ?Today, OFAC is introducing the Sectoral Sanctions Identifications List to identify persons operating in sectors of the Russian economy identified by the Secretary of the Treasury pursuant t
Idag 06:37 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org
July 16, 2014 by RFE/RL In-Depth Coverage WASHINGTON/BRUSSELS -- The United States and the European Union significantly strengthened sanctions on Russia over Ukraine on July 16, with Washington for th
Idag 06:37 Fackpress GlobalSecurity.org
Direkt-SE 2014-07-17 06:25 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Amerikansk tioårig statspappersränta har successivt tickat nedåt sedan svensk stängning på onsdagen. På valutamarknaden är kronan något starkare m
Idag 06:25 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter
The United States and Europe strengthened sanctions on Moscow over Ukraine Wednesday, with President Barack Obama taking his first direct swipes in the finance, military and energy sectors of the Russ
Idag 06:12 Nyhetsmedier Alalam
P --> EU-länderna är oeniga kring vilka som ska leda unionen på vikta chefspositioner. På toppmötet i Bryssel lyckades stats- och regeringscheferna inte utse ny utrikeschef och inte heller råds
Idag 05:55 Fackpress Finansliv
' + 'We\'re sorry but this article is not accessible from the UK as it is part of our ' + 'international service and is not funded by the license fee.' + ' '); $( ".story-body" ).show(); }); }); } } }
Idag 05:54 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, Latest
Det rapporterar Reuters. Bland de sanktionerade företagen märks bland annat gasproducenten Novatek, den statsägda banken Vnesheconombank och oljebolaget Rosneft. Enligt amerikanska tjänstemän st
Idag 05:48 Nyhetsmedier Affärsvärlden, Nyheter
Direkt-SE 2014-07-17 05:44 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) USA:s utökade sanktioner mot Ryssland för relationerna mellan länderna till en "död ände". Det sade Rysslands president Vladimir Putin till reportrar
Idag 05:44 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter
Enlarge Image Russia's President Vladimir Putin motions to blow a kiss to journalists as he leaves the Itamaraty Palace after the BRICS Summit in Brasilia, Brazil, Wednesday, July 16, 2014. (AP Photo/
Idag 05:42 Nyhetsmedier Brandon Sun, Business News
"Beige Book indikerar att den ekonomiska aktiviteten fortsätter att förbättras efter den väderrelaterade stiltjen under det första kvartalet. Detta ska ge policymakare ytterligare förtroende om
Idag 05:14 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri
Det skriver New York Times på onsdagskvällen svensk tid. Annons: Sanktionerna kommer att riktas mot en serie större banker, såväl som mot energi- och försvarsindustribolag, enligt uppgifterna. D
Idag 05:14 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri
Direkt-SE 2014-07-17 05:10 (Sändes för första gången tidigare under natten) BRYSSEL (Direkt) EU-toppmötet beslöt på onsdagskvällen att utöka sanktionerna mot Ryssland eftersom landet inte har
Idag 05:10 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter
Criticism of Germany is growing in Ukraine. Berlin's efforts to end the conflict in the country's east with Russian help have stirred anger - and Chancellor Angela Merkel has become the target. There
Idag 05:01 Nyhetsmedier Deutsche Welle, DW-World.de
The collapse of the American-trained Iraqi Army and the seizure of large areas of the country by the extremist Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) is a debacle for US imperialism of its own making.
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site
As the Western-backed regime in Kiev assaults pro-Russian militias in the major cities of eastern Ukraine, mass graves are coming to light in Slavyansk, the former opposition stronghold recently captu
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site
The ninth annual meeting of Netroots Nation, a four-day conference financed by a dozen unions and giant corporations like Google and Facebook, is an attempt to give a "progressive" gloss to the right-
Idag 05:00 Nyhetsmedier World Socialist Web Site
WASHINGTON (AP) - The United States and Europe sought to maintain a united front against Russia with coordinated announcements of new economic sanctions, but divisions persist over how aggressive the
Idag 04:56 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
Continued worries about the geopolitical situation in North Africa, the Middle East and Ukraine also underpinned oil prices.
Idag 04:53 Nyhetsmedier The Economics Times
På USA:s sanktionslista förs en rad stora företag upp, däribland statliga gasjätten Gazproms bank Gazprombank och stridsvagnstillverkaren Uralvagonzavod. Dessutom läggs de två självutnämnda s
Idag 04:41 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet
2:18pm: President Obama imposed a new round of sanctions against Russia , targeting some of the crown jewels of the country's financial, energy and defense industries in what officials described as th
Idag 04:37 Nyhetsmedier The Age, Business
NEW YORK (Reuters) - President Barack Obama aimed a direct blow at Russia's economic heart on Wednesday with sanctions on Rosneft, the flagship oil giant that generates more than 4 percent of the worl
Idag 04:29 Nyhetsmedier Reuters, Business
USA har för avsikt att öka sina sanktioner mot Ryssland efter de fortsatta oroligheterna i Ukraina. Det skriver New York Times på onsdagskvällen svensk tid. Sanktionerna kommer att riktas mot en s
Idag 04:20 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet, Senaste Nytt
BRYSSEL (Direkt) EU-toppmötet beslöt på onsdagskvällen att utöka sanktionerna mot Ryssland eftersom landet inte har uppfyllt de villkor som ställdes vid toppmötet den 27 juni. Sanktioner utöka
Idag 04:20 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet, Senaste Nytt
Det sade Rysslands president Vladimir Putin till reportrar under ett besök i Brasilien, skriver Bloomberg News. "Vilka sanktionerna verkligen är, att grundligt sortera ut dessa - lugnt och utan att
Idag 04:20 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet, Senaste Nytt
Washington has announced its most wide-ranging sanctions yet against Russia over Ukraine, targeting key institutions such as banks and defence and energy firms. It comes as 12,00 Russian forces were r
Idag 04:12 Nyhetsmedier Euronews - World News
Världens mäktigaste kvinna fyller 60. Över 500 personer är inbjudna till kalaset på Konrad Adenauer Haus i Berlin. Angela Merkel är omåttligt populär. Inte minst bland kvinnorna. Inte bara i T
Idag 04:09 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet, Senaste Nytt
A DONETSK PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC FIGHTER says goodbye to his family, who are departing as refugees to Russia, in the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine on Wednesday. Ten busloads of displaced people from
Idag 04:09 Nyhetsmedier Lakeland Ledger
The Obama administration escalated its sanctions against Russia over its alleged interference in Ukraine, imposing restrictions on the Russian state-controlled oil giant Rosneft and other top firms.
Idag 03:41 Nyhetsmedier Wall Street Journal, What's News Asia
Idag 03:26 Nyhetsmedier News Max, Europe
MOSCOW — Jul 17, 2014, 1:37 AM ET Russia's President Vladimir Putin has lamented the latest round of U.S. sanctions against his country. He says they are stalemating bilateral relations and hurting
Idag 01:37 Nyhetsmedier ABCNews
På USA:s sanktionslista förs en rad stora företag upp, däribland statliga gasjätten Gazproms bank Gazprombank och stridsvagnstillverkaren Uralvagonzavod. Dessutom läggs de två självutnämnda s
Igår 22:55 Nyhetsmedier Göteborgs-Posten