MOSKVA. McDonald's har hamnat i ryskt blåsväder i skuggan av Ukraina-konflikten. En rysk livsmedelsmyndighet har via ett regionalt kontor krävt att en lång rad storsäljare på snabbmatskedjans me
Idag 11:34 Nyhetsmedier Laholms Tidning, Laholm
CANBERA (dpa-AFX) - The Asian markets turned in a mixed performance onFriday, as commodities declined and regional stocks got little direction fromWall Street following mixed earnings and economic dat
Idag 11:24 Nyhetsmedier New Ratings
Idag 11:22 Nyhetsmedier Stars And Stripes
2014-07-25 11:07 (SIX) På valutamarknaden tappade euron efter att Ifo-index, vilket mäter näringslivets förtroende i västra Tyskland, visat ett svagare utfall än väntat för juli månad. Krona
Idag 11:07 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnyheter
KIEV. Den argentinske fotbollsspelaren Facundo Ferreira blir den andre sydamerikanske spelaren att återvända till ukrainska mästarlaget Sjachtar Donetsk. Det bekräftade klubben en dag efter att br
Idag 11:05 Nyhetsmedier Laholms Tidning, Laholm
On an intraday basis, expect gold and silver prices to trade lower on the back of no significant worsening of tensions in the Middle East or Ukraine, says Angel Commodities.
Idag 10:54 Nyhetsmedier
WASHINGTON -- President Barack Obama says the downing of a passenger jet in Ukraine "may stiffen the spine of our European partners" as they consider additional sanctions against Russia. Obama welcome
Idag 10:37 Nyhetsmedier Miami Herald News, Politics
BERLIN. Affärsklimatet i Tyskland försämras något i juli, enligt det månatliga så kallade Ifo-index, som föll till 108,0. I juni låg Ifo-index på 109,7. Nedgången, som förklaras av den geop
Idag 10:34 Nyhetsmedier Laholms Tidning, Laholm
Credits: FAROUK BATICHE/AFP/Getty Images Alt Text: An Air Algerie plane Aviation disaster kills 116 people, but experts insist airline safety has 'never been better' One-Minute Read Friday, July 2
Idag 10:31 Nyhetsmedier First Post
Russia is satisfied that the Netherlands, rather than Ukraine, is leading the effort.
Idag 10:19 Nyhetsmedier Eyewitness News
Fotbollsklubben Kelantan FA kommer att bära Malaysia Airlines (MAS) logotyp på sin matchtröja gratis under säsongen, för att visa solidaritet med det inhemska flygbolaget. Planet MH17 kraschade i
Idag 09:54 Nyhetsmedier Ystads Allehanda
BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - Germany consumer confidence is set to improve further inAugust to the strongest level since December 2006 despite escalatinggeopolitical tensions in Israel and Ukraine, survey data
Idag 09:50 Nyhetsmedier New Ratings
Enligt en stämningsansökan inlämnad till domstol bör förbud införas mot bland annat McDonald's milkshake, fiskburgare, ostburgare och kycklingburgare till följd av "olämpliga fysisk-kemiska pa
Idag 09:43 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet, Senaste Nytt
MUMBAI, India (AP) - European stock markets were down Friday, while Asian markets took cheer from U.S. unemployment claims falling to an eight-year low. Traders were generally cautious at the end of t
Idag 09:43 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
PARIS (AP) - French officials dispatched a military unit to secure the site in restive northern Mali where an Air Algerie plane crashed with the loss of 116 people. France's interior minister said Fri
Idag 09:43 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
HONG KONG (MarketWatch) - Japanese stocks rallied on Friday, marking their highest settlement in six months, as the yen weakened and domestic inflation data came out in line with market expectations.
Idag 09:41 Nyhetsmedier MarketWatch, Top Stories
The Ukrainian government has officially named Volodymyr Hroysman as the country's acting prime minister.
Idag 09:39 Nyhetsmedier Radio Liberty
Latest Abandoned scene Key players Putin damaged? Sanctions Please turn on JavaScript. Media requires JavaScript to play. The BBC's Fergal Keane at the crash site on Thursday morning: "When we arrived
Idag 09:38 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, Latest
A major German business group has come out in favor of tougher action against Russia over the Ukraine conflict. The group represents German exporters to eastern Europe. It had previously warned agains
Idag 09:37 Nyhetsmedier Deutsche Welle,
( BERLIN ) - German industry would support "100 percent" tougher sanctions against Russia over the Ukraine crisis, the chairman of a major business lobby, the Committee on Eastern European Economic Re
Idag 09:30 Nyhetsmedier Finance And Monetary Affairs In The EU
Emma Wall : Hello, and welcome to this Investing for Income Special. I'm Emma Wall and here with me today is Katie Roberts, Senior Investment Director at Fidelity. Hello, Katie. Katie Roberts : Hello.
Idag 09:30 Nyhetsmedier Morningstar UK
MOSCOW -- The Ukrainian army has reported rebel attacks overnight throughout the restive east, claiming that at one border crossing the rebels were supported by artillery fire from the Russian side. U
Idag 09:29 Nyhetsmedier Miami Herald News, World
Idag 09:25 Nyhetsmedier Times of India
EU Flag © Flickr/ European Parliament 13:17 25/07/2014 Tags: EU Association Agreement , free trade zone , European Union , Moldova , Britain , Germany , Ukraine , France , Georgia Related News ANALYS
Idag 09:25 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti
"Den tyska Ifo-siffran var skrämmande under morgonen och det är en reflektion av tyska ZEW-index som vi fått tidigare. Handlarna hade en kort nettoposition i EUR/USD inför statistiken och detta ut
Idag 09:21 Nyhetsmedier Affärsvärlden, Nyheter
En ukrainsk journalist som arbetar som frilansare för CNN greps för två dagar sedan av proryska separatister i östra Ukraina. Beväpnade män från den självutnämnda Donetsk folkrepubliken grep
Idag 09:21
Australia is sending 100 more federal police officers to Europe in the hope they will be able to join a Dutch-led mission to secure the site of the downed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17. Tony Abbott sa
Idag 09:14 Nyhetsmedier The Guardian, World
TWO DIE IN HUGE WEST BANK PROTESTS Israeli security forces have shot dead two Palestinian protesters after an estimated 10,000 people clashed with police and soldiers at a checkpoint on the border bet
Idag 09:14 Nyhetsmedier First Post
Mika Velikovskij återvänder till Donetsk och ser det ökade ryska inflytandet. Men planen har aldrig varit att inta Ukraina. Jag har tillbringat den senaste månaden i östra Ukraina, i det ökända
Idag 09:13 Nyhetsmedier Aftonbladet, Kultur
KUALA LUMPUR: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) said on Friday it will "leave nothing unturned" to boost global aviation safety after a black week for the industry that has claimed ov
Idag 09:13 Nyhetsmedier GulfNews, News
The Air Algerie flight which crashed in Mali with 116 people on board may have been struck by lightning, according to shepherds who saw it come down. A ir navigation services lost track of the Swiftai
Idag 09:12 Nyhetsmedier Mail on Sunday
11 minutes ago 0 shares Content preferences Done .Bgc-screen .channel-applet-wrap .smooth .channel-applet-wrap .lspace .channel-applet-wrap #channel-header img .channel-applet-wrap #channel-header p .
Idag 09:11 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo News - US News
THE search for Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 has not been overshadowed by last week's downing of flight MH17, the Australian deputy prime minister says. THE Boeing 777 disappeared on March 8 with 239
Enlarge Image Map shows path of Flight 5017, Algeria and Burkina Faso; 1c x 3 inches; 46.5 mm x 76 mm; OUAGADOUGO, Burkina Faso - An Air Algerie jetliner carrying 116 people - including five Canadians
Idag 09:08 Nyhetsmedier Brandon Sun, International News
PARIS (AP) -- French President Francois Hollande says there are no survivors in the Air Algerie crash in Mali. Hollande announced on Friday that one black box has been found in the debris after French
Idag 09:07 Nyhetsmedier Associated Press, World
2014-07-25 09:07 (SIX) Den svenska kronan har stärkts mot såväl euron, dollarn som det brittiska pundet, inför den svenska statistiken över detaljhandel, handelsnetto och utlåning till hushåll
Idag 09:07 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnyheter
Direkt-SE 2014-07-25 09:07 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) På valutamarknaden har kronan stärkts något. Svenska och tyska räntor visar begränsade rörelser i fredagens inledande handel när ett svenskt statis
Idag 09:07 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter
Topic: Situation in the South-East of Ukraine Ukrainian Armed Forces, Seversk, Ukraine, 11 July, 2014 © REUTERS/ Gleb Garanich 12:59 25/07/2014 Tags: civilian deaths , war crimes , Grad , Internat
Idag 09:03 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti
MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russia's consumer protection agency has filed a lawsuit in a Moscow court seeking to ban some of McDonald's Corp's burgers along with its milk shakes and ice cream, a court spokeswo
Idag 09:01 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo News - Business
11:00 fredag 25 Juli 2014 Kommentera Ukrainas regering har utsett Volodymyr Hrojsman till tillförordnad premiärminister sedan Arsenij Jatsenjuk avgått i protest. Samtidigt säger parlamentet att de
Idag 09:00 Nyhetsmedier Allanyheter
There appeared to be no survivors of the crashed Air Algérie Flight 5017 whose wreckage was found in northern Mali, 31 miles from the border with Burkina Faso. The plane, an MD-83, carrying 110 p
Idag 08:57 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
Australian troops plan to join a police contingent in helping secure the Flight MH17 crash site in Ukraine, Prime Minister Tony Abbott said Friday, while stressing the mission would be humanitarian in
Idag 08:57 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
Ukrainas regering har utsett Volodymyr Hrojsman till tillförordnad premiärminister sedan Arsenij Jatsenjuk avgått i protest. Samtidigt säger parlamentet att de inte kan rösta om att godkänna Jat
Idag 08:56 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet, Utrikes
Sydney: The parents of an Australian victim of the MH17 disaster are clinging to hopes their daughter may still be alive, travelling to Ukraine to find her, reports said on Friday. Jerzy and Angela Dy
Idag 08:54 Nyhetsmedier GulfNews, News
Handeln på Stockholmsbörsen har inletts svagt ned på fredagen, precis enligt indikationerna, och ungefär i linje med de ledande börserna i Europa. Flera bolag har lagt fram sina kvartalsbekännel
Idag 08:49 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnotiser
The price of oil slipped below $102 a barrel on Friday, falling for a second day after spiking on lower U.S. inventories and tensions in the Ukraine and the Middle East. Benchmark U.S. crude for Septe
Idag 08:49 Nyhetsmedier The Wichita Eagle, Nation
Robert Ayley, who was born in Guildford, was on the plane which was shot down over eastern Ukraine
Idag 08:48 Nyhetsmedier Get Surrey
Phil Walter/Getty Images BERLIN (AP) - German business confidence is down for a third month in a row amid ongoing concerns about the economic impact of the crises in Ukraine and Iraq. The closely-watc
Idag 08:46 Nyhetsmedier Reuters Business Insider
Ukraine's parliament said on Friday it had yet to receive a resignation letter from Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk so could not vote on whether to accept it or not, stalling work at the heart of gove
Idag 08:43 Nyhetsmedier The Globe And Mail
KIEV (Reuters) - Ukraine's parliament said on Friday it had yet to receive a resignation letter from Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk so could not vote on whether to accept it or not, stalling work at
Idag 08:41 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
Idag 08:38 Nyhetsmedier NDTV
Idag 08:37 Fackpress, Humain Aid Development News
SIX Generalindex är vid klockan 10.14 ned0,1 procent till 436, medanOMXS30-index är oförändrad vid 1.405. Omsättningen är 1,1 miljarderkronor på Stockholmsbörsen och 1,5 miljarder inklusive de
Idag 08:37 Fackpress Affärsvärlden
PARIS - French officials have dispatched a military unit to secure the site in restive northern Mali where an Air Algeria plane crashed with 116 people aboard. France's interior minister said Friday t
Idag 08:36 Fackpress Mashable
Russia's ambassador Alexander Yakovenko says all the evidence should be examined before blame is placed on anyone for shooting down flight MH17 9:36AM BST 25 Jul 2014 The Kremlin was not responsible f
Idag 08:36 Nyhetsmedier Telegraph, Ukraine
The son of an Australian couple who died when Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crashed over Ukraine last week said on Friday that justice will only be served when fighting in the region stops. Paul Guard
Idag 08:32 Webbtjänster, Top news
BERLIN (AP) - German business confidence is down for a third month in a row amid ongoing concerns about the economic impact of the crises in Ukraine and Iraq. The closely-watched Ifo Institute survey
Idag 08:32 Nyhetsmedier The Big Story
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) says it will "leave nothing unturned" to boost global aviation safety after a black week for the industry that has claimed more than 460 lives in thr
Idag 08:29 Nyhetsmedier ABC Australia Business
EU Flag © Flickr/ Giampaolo Squarcina 09:13 25/07/2014 Tags: MH17 , Malaysia Airlines , EU , Vygaudas Usackas , Russia , Ukraine Related News EU Receives, Assesses Russian Defense Ministry's Informat
Idag 08:26 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti
The final MH17 flight lands in Kuala Lumpur before the code is dropped as a mark of respect for victims of the plane downed over Ukraine. Paul Chapman reports
Idag 08:20 Nyhetsmedier Reuters, Video - Latest
The wreckage of an Air Algerie flight that went missing Thursday with 116 people on board has been found in Mali with no survivors spotted at the site. File photo of flight AH 5017 The discovery wa
Idag 08:17 Webbtjänster, Top news
A shopkeeper in an Irish village faced a backlash from members of his community, after he said he would not serve "loud Americans". Peter Fitzgerald of Waterville, County Kerry, posted a sign in Peter
Idag 08:17 Nyhetsmedier Al-Rasub
Är det någon oroshärd i världen så kan man ge sig den på att på någon sida är muslimer ofta inblandade. Ukraina är väl ett undantag, men där är det ett annat kollektiv. Putin-kollektivet.
Idag 08:14 Bloggar Leffe45s Weblog
WASHINGTON (AP) - Airline travel requires passengers to make a leap of faith, entrusting their lives to pilots, airlines, air traffic controllers and others who regulate air travel. Even after a week
Idag 08:14 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
Russia's Aeroflot to Appeal Environmental Fine for Flights Over Europe © RIA Novosti. Natalia Seliverstova 08:59 25/07/2014 Tags: environment , fine , appeal , protest , European Parliament , Europea
Idag 08:14 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti
KIEV Fri Jul 25, 2014 4:12am EDT 0 Comments Tweet Share this Email Print Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatseniuk addresses parliament in Kiev July 24, 2014. Credit: Reuters/Alex Kuzmin Related Topic
Idag 08:12 Nyhetsmedier Reuters, International
Australia 's prime minister has said his country is close to finalising a deal with Ukraine to send police and a small number of troops to secure the Malaysia Airlines MH17 plane crash site as part of
Idag 08:07 Nyhetsmedier The Guardian, World
Vraket efter det algeriska passagerarplan som störtade i Mali har hittats. Allt talar för en tragisk olycka och enligt Frankrikes transportminister, Frederic Cuvillier, är det osannolikt att någon
Idag 08:04 Nyhetsmedier Expressen
Vraket efter det algeriska passagerarplan som störtade i Mali har hittats. Enligt Frankrikes president François Hollande var planet sönderslaget. Landet har nu skickat en militär enhet till fyndpl
Idag 08:04 Nyhetsmedier Expressen
12 minutes ago 0 shares Content preferences Done .Bgc-screen .channel-applet-wrap .smooth .channel-applet-wrap .lspace .channel-applet-wrap #channel-header img .channel-applet-wrap #channel-header p .
Idag 08:03 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo News - US News
(CNN) -- It's been pretty gruesome for the airline industry in recent days. First, a Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 was shot over eastern Ukraine last week, killing all 298 people on board. Then, a Tran
Idag 07:59 Nyhetsmedier CNN International
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko asked parliament to pass a vote of confidence in the government on Friday after the shock resignation of premier Arseniy Yatsenyuk piled political uncertainty onto
Idag 07:56 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
09:56 fredag 25 Juli 2014 Kommentera En massgrav har hittats i östra Ukraina, rapporterar organisationen Human Rights Watch. Minst åtta kroppar ska ha funnits i graven i det tidigare rebellkontrolle
Idag 07:56 Nyhetsmedier Allanyheter
På Tokyobörsen klättrade Nikkei 225 med 1,1procent till 15.458 medandet bredare Topix var upp 0,9 procent till 1.281. Japans konsumentprisindex, KPI, steg med 3,6procent i årstakt, vilketvar någo
Idag 07:50 Nyhetsmedier Affärsvärlden, Nyheter
Eu Flag © Photo EU's official website 09:11 25/07/2014 Tags: sanctions , European Union , Vygaudas Usackas , United States , Ukraine , Russia Related News EU Diplomat Hopes for Renewal of Trust, Unde
Idag 07:50 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti
Fotbollsklubben Kelantan FA kommer att bära Malaysia Airlines (MAS) logotyp på sin matchtröja gratis under säsongen, för att visa solidaritet med det inhemska flygbolaget. Planet MH17 kraschade i
Idag 07:44 Nyhetsmedier Göteborgs-Posten, Sport
French officials have dispatched a military unit to secure the site in restive northern Mali where an Air Algerie plane crashed with 116 people aboard. France's interior minister said Friday that terr
Idag 07:43 Nyhetsmedier The Two-Way, World
LONDON (MarketWatch) - U.K. stocks fell Friday, with British Sky Broadcasting Group PLC losing ground as it agreed a deal to purchase assets in Germany and Italy, although stock in Royal Bank of Scotl
Idag 07:42 Nyhetsmedier MarketWatch, Top Stories
"Den geopolitiska oron som drivits av utvecklingen i Ukraina kan komma att återspeglas i dagens (IFO-)siffra, då diskussionerna kring handelsembargon kan driva ned förväntningarna på aktivitetsni
Idag 07:40 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri
By Matt Siegel SYDNEY (Reuters) - Australia will send 100 additional police and some defence force personnel to Europe to join a planned Dutch-led international security force to secure the Malaysia A
Idag 07:39 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
by Paul Craig Roberts Despite the conclusion by US intelligence that there is no evidence of Russian involvement in the destruction of the Malaysian airliner and all lives onboard, Washington is escal
Idag 07:34 Nyhetsmedier
Topic: Malaysia Airlines Boeing Crashes in Ukraine Malaysia Airlines Boing's crash site © Getty 11:12 25/07/2014 Tags: plane crash , MH17 , Malaysia Airlines , Ukraine Related Ne
Idag 07:33 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti
Crude-oil futures moved in a narrow price range in Friday after dropping overnight on high stockpiles of gasoline in the U.S. and as markets await tighter sanctions against Russia. On the New York Mer
Idag 07:31 Nyhetsmedier MarketWatch, Top Stories
File photo: Air Algerie plane parking in the international airport of Algiers- the Air Algerie flight disappeared from radar screens over Mali 50 minutes after take off en route from Ouagadougou in Bu
Idag 07:30 Nyhetsmedier Telegraph, News
REUTERS/Mohammed Salem A Palestinian reacts following what witnesses said was an Israeli air strike on a building in Gaza City July 24, 2014. Hello! Here's what people will be taking about on Friday.
Idag 07:29 Nyhetsmedier Reuters Business Insider
The US Thursday said it has evidence, based on "intelligence information", that Russia is firing artillery across the border into Ukraine. US deputy State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said Russia
Idag 07:27 Fackpress Headlines News
BRUSSELS - German and Dutch companies, so far among the most reluctant to back EU's planned Russia sanctions, are ready to take a hit from possible retaliatory measures. The "Eastern association of Ge
Idag 07:25 Fackpress Headlines News
Idag 07:24 Nyhetsmedier NDTV
The violence of the conflict in Gaza spread to the West Bank on Thursday with at least two Palestinians killed and scores wounded in one of the biggest clashes seen for several years. Further protests
Idag 07:21 Nyhetsmedier Al-Rasub
USA och Kanada kommer att sätta sig emot Världsbankens hjälpprojekt i Ryssland, vilket ökar pressen på landet avseende dess agerande i Ukraina. Det framgår av Bloomberg. Bli medlem i Aktiesparar
Idag 07:15 Aktiespararna
Idag 07:11 Nyhetsmedier NDTV
USA och Kanada kommer att sätta sig emot Världsbankens hjälpprojekt i Ryssland, vilket ökar pressen på landet avseende dess agerande i Ukraina. Det framgår av Bloomberg. Bli medlem i Aktiesparar
Idag 07:06 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnotiser
Vadim Ghirda / The Associated Press A woman places a candle on a ledge as a tribute for victims of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 during a memorial concert in Kharkiv, Ukraine, Thursday. (CP) KHARKIV, Uk
Idag 07:05 Nyhetsmedier Winnipeg Free Press, World News