måndag 11 augusti 2014

Kl 11:45 måndag 11 augusti Nyheter om Ryssland och Ukrainakrisen. Uppdateras kl 6, 9, 12 och 18 varje dag


100 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet

Asian Stocks Rally As Geopolitical Worries Ebb

CANBERA (dpa-AFX) - The Asian markets followed Wall Street higher on Mondayas concerns over tensions in Ukraine eased and U.S. President Barack Obamapledged a strictly limited military involvement aga
Idag 11:40 Nyhetsmedier New Ratings

Försiktighet präglar fondsparare

STOCKHOLM. Svenskarna fortsätter spara i fonder om än med viss försiktighet. Under juli sattes mest pengar in i obligations- och blandfonder, medan krisen i Ukraina påskyndar uttagen från Rysslan
Idag 11:22 Nyhetsmedier Laholms Tidning, Laholm

Ukraine rocket attack leads to mass jail breakout

Donetsk, Ukraine --- Local authorities say more than 100 prisoners have fled from a high-security facility after it was hit by shelling in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk in eastern UkraineCity counci
Idag 11:06 Nyhetsmedier Inquirer.net

Pound Rises Amid Risk Appetite

BRUSSELS (dpa-AFX) - The pound strengthened against the other majorcurrencies in the early European session on Monday amid risk appetite, asEuropean shares rose on easing tensions over Ukraine.The U.K
Idag 11:05 Nyhetsmedier New Ratings

Inmates flee as rocket hits jail in Donetsk

More than 100 prisoners fled from a high-security prison in eastern Ukraine after it was hit by shelling in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk, local authorities have said.
Idag 11:05 Nyhetsmedier Breaking News.ie

Ukraina nära att återta Donetsk

KIEV. Ukrainska regeringsstyrkor förbereder sig för de sista stegen i återtagandet av staden Donetsk i östra Ukraina, uppger Andrij Lysenko, en talesman för den ukrainska militären. Enligt Lysen
Idag 11:04 Nyhetsmedier Laholms Tidning, Laholm

Coal boost for bulkers

Supply and demand issues in India and tensions over Ukraine could provide a much need boost for coal shipments.
Idag 10:53 Nyhetsmedier Tradewinds

Intellecta: Intellectas koncernchef ökar sitt aktieinnehav

Intellecta AB (publ) informerar om att koncernchefen Yann Blandy ökat sitt aktieinnehav i koncernen. Den 11 augusti köpte Intellectas vd och koncernchef Yann Blandy 1000 B-aktier i Intellecta och ä
Idag 10:43 Pressreleaser Aktiespararna, Börspressmeddelanden
Hollywood actor played with his blues band on stage decorated with flag of pro-Russian separatists AP Published: 10:55 August 11, 2014 .ie8 .notie7 Image Credit: AFP US action movie actor Steven Sea
Idag 10:26 Nyhetsmedier GulfNews.com, Entertainment

Dubai police reiterate amnesty for drug addicts seeking treatment

By Staff Writer Monday, 11 August 2014 11:51 AM .social-media-container .social-media-inner .gallery2 .social-media-inner .addthis_button_facebook_like .addthis_button_tweet .addthis_button_google_plu
Idag 10:00 Nyhetsmedier Arabian Business, GCC

Asian markets rebound as Iraq fears wane

Asian markets rose Monday following widespread falls last week, after Wall Street shrugged off fears over instability in Iraq and Ukraine. Tokyo rebounded 2.38 percent, closing up 352.15 points at 15,
Idag 09:38 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories
By Lesley Wroughton SYDNEY (Reuters) - The United States will monitor the South China Sea to see whether "de-escalatory steps" are being taken, a U.S. State Department official said on Monday, a day a
Idag 09:38 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories

Kommer Israel att komma undan ännu en gång?

Main menu Skip to content Ekonomi Internationellt Afghanistan Afrika Europeiska Unionen Östasien Irak Mellanöstern Nato Nordafrika Norden Pakistan Ryssland Sydostasien Ukraina USA Kultur Dagens bild
Idag 09:37 Bloggar annarkia.se

"Masspsykos" bakom höjdundret

Sex höjdhoppare över 2,40 på ett och samma år - det har aldrig hänt förut.Inte heller 13 hopp över drömgränsen.Stefan Holm famlar efter en förklaring och landar i:- En masspsykos. I nära 20
Idag 09:33 Nyhetsmedier SVT, Sport

Fondsparare fortsätter fly Ryssland

Under juli uppgick nettosparandet, det vill säga insättningar minus uttag, till 14,5 miljarder kronor. Det visar statistik från Fondbolagens förening. Annons: "Det ser ut ungefär som tidigare und
Idag 09:33 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri

Steven Seagal plays blues gig in Crimea

Hollywood actor and musician Steven Seagal has played a concert in Crimea on a stage adorned with the flag of pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine. Seagal and his blues band took to the stage at a biker
Idag 09:31 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, Entertainment

Räntor & Valutor: Riskaptit lyfter räntorna, minskad geopolitisk oro

2014-08-11 09:26 (SIX) Riskaptit präglade de finansiella marknaderna under måndagsmorgonen, efter att ha pressats av riskaversion under slutet av förra veckan. På räntemarknaden vände de svensk
Idag 09:26 Nyhetsmedier Aktiespararna, Börsnyheter

Ukraine shell blast sparks jailbreak

An artillery shell landed in a high-security prison in the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, sparking a riot in which 106 inmates escaped, local officials say. At least one prisoner was killed in th
Idag 09:24 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, Europe

Ukraine shell blast sparks Donetsk jailbreak

An artillery shell landed in a high-security prison in the city of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, sparking a riot in which 106 inmates escaped, local officials say. At least one prisoner was killed in th
Idag 09:24 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, world

Premarket: Stocks rebound as Ukraine tensions die down Add to ...

Idag 09:18 Nyhetsmedier The Globe And Mail


Ukrainska regeringsstyrkor förbereder sig för de sista stegen i återtagandet av staden Donetsk i östra Ukraina, uppger Andrij Lysenko, en talesman för den ukrainska militären. Enligt Lysenko har
Idag 09:12 Nyhetsmedier Svenska Dagbladet


Direkt-SE 2014-08-11 09:11 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) De europeiska marknadsräntorna noteras något högre i inledningen av den nya veckan, samtidigt som euron försvagas. Lättade spänningar på den geopol
Idag 09:11 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter

Ukraine crisis: Rocket attack leads to mass jail breakout

Idag 09:06 Nyhetsmedier Global News


Direkt-SE 2014-08-11 09:00 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Kosmetikabolaget Oriflames tillväxt under det andra kvartalet kommer sannolikt blir sämre än väntat. Det menar Pareto Securities som sänker sin rekom
Idag 09:00 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter

Prisoners break out of jail in aftermath of eastern Ukraine shelling

More than 100 inmates at a high security prison in eastern Ukraine escaped after the jail was hit by shelling. Ukrainian forces say they are preparing for a final push to take the city from pro-Russia
Idag 08:59 Nyhetsmedier Deutsche Welle, DW-World.de

Australia to sign 25-year US Marine agreement

Sydney: Australia and the United States will sign a 25-year deal allowing 2,500 US Marines and air force personnel to train Down Under, Defence Minister David Johnston said on Monday, describing it as
Idag 08:52 Nyhetsmedier GulfNews, News

Massflykt från fängelse i Donetsk

106 fångar har flytt från ett högsäkerhetsfängelse i separatistkontrollerade Donetsk i östra Ukraina efter att det träffats av en racketattack sent i går kväll. En fånge dödades och flera s
Idag 08:44 Nyhetsmedier SVT, Utrikes

Prisoners Break Out as Ukraine Fighting Rages

(Newser) - More than 100 prisoners have fled a high-security facility after it was hit by shelling in the rebel stronghold of Donetsk in eastern Ukraine, local authorities say. A jail riot was precipi
Idag 08:42 Nyhetsmedier Newser

Uppåt på Asiens börser

TOKYO. Minskad oro över konflikterna i Irak och Ukraina bidrog till att de ledande Asienbörserna steg när börsveckan inleddes. På Tokyobörsen, som i förra veckan föll kraftigt efter beskedet o
Idag 08:42 Nyhetsmedier Laholms Tidning, Laholm

Hotspots, flashpoints: Humankind, a failed species

Today we are speaking about the humanitarian situations in Donetsk, Lugansk, after the Fascist massacres in numerous cities in Eastern Ukraine earlier this year. Today we are speaking about the massac
Idag 08:41 Nyhetsmedier Pravda.ru

Ukraina nära att återta Donetsk, hävdar militär Artiellerield träffade fängelse - 106 fångar flydde vid upplopp.

Ukrainska regeringsstyrkor förbereder sig för de sista stegen i återtagandet av staden Donetsk i östra Ukraina, uppger Andrij Lysenko, en talesman för den ukrainska militären. Enligt Lysenko har
Idag 08:38 Nyhetsmedier Göteborgs-Posten

Tingsryds kommun vill gräva ner ny kraftledning

Samrådshandlingen för Nordbalt-kabeln inkom till kommunen den 9 juni 2014. Denna nya ledning har väckt stor oro bland de boende. En oro som vi alla tar på största allvar. De kommentarer Smålands
Idag 08:38 Nyhetsmedier Smålands Posten


Direkt-SE 2014-08-11 08:36 STOCKHOLM (Direkt) Oljepriserna handlas på något högre nivåer i veckans inledning, och även basmetallerna är överlag något upp. Guldet har samtidigt sjunkit cirka 0,
Idag 08:36 Nyhetsmedier Redeye, Nyheter

Ukraine forces, rebels battle for Donetsk after separatists move off cease-fire offer

Idag 08:29 Nyhetsmedier FOX News

Global stocks up on China inflation, Japan rebound

BEIJING (AP) -- Global stocks rose sharply Monday as subdued Chinese inflation, a rebound by Japanese markets and the latest easing of tensions over Ukraine helped offset unease about Iraq. KEEPING SC
Idag 08:26 Nyhetsmedier Associated Press, Business

Malaysia Airlines Shares Surge 10% on State-Funded Buyout Plan

Shares in Malaysia Airlines rose more than 10% after state fund Khazanah Nasional Bhd announced its plans to fully acquire the disaster-hit company and delist it from the stock exchange. Khazanah Nasi
Idag 08:24 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories

Ukraine's forces say close to taking rebel-held Donetsk

KIEV (Reuters) - Ukrainian government forces are preparing for the final stage of recapturing the city of Donetsk from pro-Russian separatist rebels after making significant gains that have divided re
Idag 08:24 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories

Shell Hits Prison In Ukraine's Donetsk

View Photo Shell Hits Prison In Ukraine's Donetsk An artillery shell has hit a high-security prison in Donetsk, eastern Ukraine, amid fighting between government forces and rebels. One inmate was kill
Idag 08:24 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, UK and Ireland Top Stories
By Shinichi Saoshiro TOKYO (Reuters) - Asian stocks rose on Monday as tensions eased slightly in Ukraine, while the dollar held steady against the safe-haven yen after rebounding sharply late last wee
Idag 08:23 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo News - Iraq

Filip och Fredrik vinnare på förhand

Vågar vara dumma i nya podcasten   Duon under rekordkvällen i Globen. Foto: Claudio Bresciani/TT Som turist i ett land med språkbarriärer går det oftast att fråga sig fram hyfsat. Det ser ­int
Idag 08:23 Nyhetsmedier Aftonbladet, Kultur

Steven Seagal Plays a Concert for Pro-Russia Separatist in Crimea

Steven Seagal has played a concert in the Crimean peninsula. According to a new report from Russian news RIA Novosti, the actor performed some songs with his blues band over the weekend at an event or
Idag 08:22 Nyhetsmedier AceShowbiz

Over 100 Inmates Escape High-Security Prison After Shelling in East Ukraine

Topic:   Situation in the South-East of Ukraine Ukrainian eastern cities have been the targets of attacks since mid-April after Ukrainian authorities launched a military operation to suppress a growi
Idag 08:17 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti

Shell hits prison in Ukraine's Donetsk, one inmate killed: city council

KIEV (Reuters) - An artillery shell fired in fighting between government forces and separatist rebels hit a high-security prison in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Sunday night, killing one inmate, t
Idag 08:17 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo News - World News

SOCAR increases contributions to state budget over 20 percent

Baku, Azerbaijan, Aug.11 By Emil Ismayilov - Trend: The State Oil Company of Azerbaijan increased contributions to the state budget by 21.5 percent up to 1.117 billion AZN in January-July 2014, compar
Idag 08:15 Nyhetsmedier Trend

Ukraine prepares for 'final' Donetsk push

Ukrainian government forces are preparing for the final stage of recapturing the city of Donetsk from pro-Russian separatist rebels after making significant gains that have divided rebel forces, a mil
Idag 08:03 Nyhetsmedier Al Jazeera

Ukraine crisis: the neo-Nazi brigade fighting pro-Russian separatists

Phantom, 23, a fighter in the Azov battalion, outside its HQ in the Ukrainian seaside town of Urzuf   Photo: Tom Parfitt By Tom Parfitt , Urzuf 9:00AM BST 11 Aug 2014 The fighters of the Azov battali
Idag 08:00 Nyhetsmedier Telegraph, News

Seagal Plays At Gig For Pro-Russian Separatists

View Photo Seagal Plays At Gig For Pro-Russian Separatists Hollywood actor and musician Steven Seagal has performed at a concert in the breakaway region of Crimea, appearing on a stage adorned with th
Idag 07:59 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, UK and Ireland Top Stories

Almost 51,500 Ukrainian Refugees in Russian Temporary Settlements

Topic:   Refugees From Ukraine Seek Shelter in Russia A Camp for refugees from eastern Ukraine © RIA Novosti. ?????? ?????? 11:27 11/08/2014 Tags: asylum , refugees , Russia's Federal Migration Serv
Idag 07:59 Nyhetsmedier RIA Novosti

Ukrainian forces prepare to recapture Donetsk

Ukrainian government forces are preparing for the final stage of recapturing the city of Donetsk from pro-Russia separatist rebels after making significant gains that have divided rebel forces, a mili
Idag 07:59 Nyhetsmedier The Guardian

London FTSE rallies on Asian, US rebound

London's main stock market rallied in early trades on Monday following a strong rebound by Tokyo and pre-weekend gains on Wall Street caused by easing geopolitical concerns. The benchmark FTSE 100 ind
Idag 07:53 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, UK and Ireland Top Stories

Måndagstips: Modebolagen lockar till köp

Mer försiktig är Börsveckan vad gäller Meda, där köprådet slopas, samt med Loomis och Svedbergs, som får rekommendationen avvakta. Annons: Börsen är orolig och även om det varit rätt att k
Idag 07:47 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri

'Tough' down under sanctions in store for Russia

Tweet Print version Font Size Send to friend Can Australia cause economic damage to Russia by banning the sale of uranium to the country? According to Russia's Rosatom, there are practically no uraniu
Idag 07:45 Nyhetsmedier Pravda.ru

Farah, Schippers look for big Euros medal hauls

ZURICH (AP) - Britain's Mo Farah wants to underscore his status as the pre-eminent long-distance runner of his age with another 5,000-, 10,000-meter double at the European Championships. Dafne Schippe
Idag 07:41 Nyhetsmedier The Big Story

Räntor och valutor: Euron svagare

Den tyska tioåriga statsobligationsräntan noteras upp 1 punkt till 1,06 procent, medan den svenska motsvarigheten stiger 1 punkt till 1,60 procent. Annons: "De geopolitiska riskerna som legat som en
Idag 07:29 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri

EU and US warn Russia against 'humanitarian' invasion of Ukraine

BRUSSELS - EU and US leaders have warned Russia that more sanctions will follow if it "invades" Ukraine in the name of "humanitarian" aid. Russia's a ban on imports of EU food could cost the bloc up t
Idag 07:29 Fackpress Observer.com Headlines News

BBC Sport (International version)

' + 'We\'re sorry but this article is not accessible from the UK as it is part of our ' + 'international service and is not funded by the license fee.' + ' '); $( ".story-body" ).show(); }); }); } } }
Idag 07:25 Nyhetsmedier BBC News, Latest

Gold Dips on Firmer Equities; Middle East, Ukraine Eyed

Idag 07:25 Nyhetsmedier NDTV

MH17 and the diplomacy of business going Dutch

BRUSSELS - MH17 has left Dutch society in a state of mid-summer anaesthesia. Exactly 25 years after the end of the Cold War, and 20 years after the Srebrenica genocide that left more than 8,000 dead i
Idag 07:19 Fackpress Observer.com Headlines News

Russia seriously concerned about humanitarian catastrophe in Ukraine

Idag 07:06 Nyhetsmedier Neurope.eu, Agriculture News

US Secretary of State John Kerry arrives in Sydney for AUSMIN talks

US SECRETARY of State John Kerry arrived in Sydney on Monday for annual talks expected to deepen military engagement with close ally Australia, but the focus will also be on hot spots abroad including
Idag 07:01 Nyhetsmedier News.Com.Au, National

Råvaror: Oljan handlas högre

Fokus har varit utvecklingen i norra Irak, där USA:s president Barack Obama auktoriserat flygangrepp riktade mot Islamiska staten, IS. USA genomförde på söndagen nya attacker i syfte att oskadligg
Idag 06:53 Nyhetsmedier Dagens Industri
By Richard Balmforth and Sergei Karpukhin KIEV/DONETSK Ukraine (Reuters) - Artillery shells slammed into the outskirts of the Ukrainian city of Donetsk on Sunday as government forces tightened the noo
Idag 06:47 Nyhetsmedier Yahoo! News, Asia Top Stories

Hillary Clinton slams Obama's policy on Syria in her first major move to distance herself from the President

Likely 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has made pointed comments on America's current foreign policy, putting some rare distance between herself and the Obama administration. Th
Idag 06:21 Nyhetsmedier Mail on Sunday
Chuck Hagel, right, is greeted by Head of the Australian Defence Staff (Washington) Rear Admiral Stephen Gilmore as Australian Secretary of Defence Dennis Richardson, centre, and US Ambassador to Aust
Idag 06:08 Nyhetsmedier Telegraph, News

Ryssland och N Europa

50 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet
De aktuella nyheterna har redan levererats till dig..


50 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet
De aktuella nyheterna har redan levererats till dig..


50 unika artiklar från det senaste dygnet

Läget i ditt SHL-lag

SHL-lagen har gått på is och många har gjort stora förändringar i sina trupper och mycket, mycket mer kommer att hinna hända innan serien startar och så klart också under hösten och vintern.
Idag 09:10 Nyhetsmedier SVT, Sport

Ukrainska trupper förbereder återerövring av Donetsk

Enligt talesmannen har armén lyckats isolera Donetsk från det andra stora rebellfästet Luhansk. Talesmannen sade att arméns mål är att inta båda städerna, men man börjar i Donetsk eftersom de
Idag 07:33 Nyhetsmedier Hufvudstadsbladet